Porto, one of the top European destinations for wine tasting, by JN.

06 November 2012, Tuesday . Parties

Two weeks ago, the national newspaper Jornal de Notícias published an article devoted to ranking the TripAdvisor Travelers Choices on the best destinations for wine tastings. The city of Porto is included, alongside with much respected countries in the production of wine, such as Italy, Spain and France.

In the article (Which can be viewed here: www.tripadvisor.com/TravelersChoice-Wine-cTop10-g4.), thousands of travelers and frequent critics TripAdvisor (Maybe millions, the same being the largest travel community in the world, operating in several countries, and managing several partners.), voted the best destinations for wine tasting. Our city is placed in tenth place, followed by places like Tuscany and Sicily (Iália) and Provence and Burgundy (France).

At the same time you´re proving a good Port wine and enjoying our history manifested by the magnificent cityscapes, visit our Hostel. Our excellent quality - price and geographic location, indicate us as one of the best stays in town. At the same time, you can also tast some Port Hostel in our place, having available a selection handpicked, approved by the owners.

Read the news here: www.jn.pt/Tendencias/Locais/Interior.aspx.


Live your experience in this city, in our company. We promise not to be disappointed.

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